Planning your financial future can be a daunting task. Will you outlive your money? Are you confident that your financial plan has you on the path to financial security?
Jason M. La Vigne, a trained, licensed Certified Financial Planner™ practitioner, and President and CEO of Blue Water Financial, LLC can help you navigate the seemingly endless array of financial planning options. He will create a personalized plan that is designed with your unique long-term financial goals, objectives and risk tolerance in mind.
Some of the questions you might be asking include:
- How much money will I need in order to retire?
- Do I need disability income insurance? Long-term care insurance?
- How can I ensure that my children receive as much as possible from my estate?
- What is the right type and amount of life insurance for me?
- What are the best investment tools for my individual needs?
- Am I too young or too old to begin planning?
- How much money do I need to get started?
If you are interested in getting personalized attention from a firm that is focused on educating you so that you can make informed and financially sound decisions, Blue Water Financial, LLC is the right choice.